Stories by Sean

The terror of doing something different to succeed - Part One
Mon, 28th May 2012
sales systems
Jim's journey from the brink of failure to a remarkable 48% sales increase shows the power of overcoming the fear of change.

Tone is Queen
Mon, 21st May 2012
sales systems
In the saturated world of sales, the mastery of tone trumps content quantity, transforming how businesses connect with the market.

Hire me, learn from me, buy from me or get out of my way
Mon, 16th Apr 2012
partner programmes
Inspired by the passion of American entrepreneurs at Infusioncon 2012, Sean McDonald urges New Zealanders to embrace boldness and celebrate success.

Get over yourself and start selling
Mon, 2nd Apr 2012
sales systems
In New Zealand, small businesses and ex-corporates must overcome sales fear for success, says expert Sean McDonald.

Now is the time to take your sales force mobile
Tue, 20th Mar 2012
personal computing devices
it industry
Equipping your sales force with mobile devices is no longer a luxury; it's essential for maintaining competitiveness and improving efficiency. Here's why.

Closing the deal in New Zealand
Mon, 19th Mar 2012
digital marketing
Is your sales team being too nice or not using the right technology to engage with your clients? Sean McDonald has some suggestions that may help.

The art of helping people buy
Mon, 5th Dec 2011
With modern clients savvy to traditional closing tricks, here's how salespeople can make sure they seal the deal.