Botnets are on the rise - stay in control with just one appliance
Win more UTM deals with Sophos’s Free next-generation firewall hardware promotion SophosLabs™ see as many as 10,000 infected URLs and 100,000 new variants of malicious code daily.
Botnets and other forms of malware are on the rise. Hackers are constantly developing their assault scenarios seeking out security vulnerabilities in your network.
This requires the use of sophisticated systems to protect against ever new types of worms and exploits. Yet at the same time businesses need an environment that promotes easy communication and interaction between internal and external users.
This is where Sophos UTM comes into play - integrating complete security software within a single appliance. Your customers only need to choose the protection they need when they need it.
Sophos UTM helps businesses to:
• Protect their infrastructure against the most sophisticated threats
• Secure their communication with branch offices without local setup
• Provide easy yet secure remote access for mobile users
• Extend protection capabilities easily into wireless LANs
Get on board!
The next-generation firewall market is growing – fast. By 2014 Gartner predicts 35% of Internet connections will be protected by a next-generation firewall, compared to just 5% today*.
Sophos UTM is a leader in next-generation firewall functionality.
Special offer from Sophos ends 31 March, 2013.
Take advantage of this outstanding offer to help you promote the next-generation firewall capabilities in Sophos UTM.
FREE hardware
Buy a next-generation firewall before March 31, 2013 and get the hardware for FREE. Plus, if your customer is new to Sophos, we’ll include our UTM Endpoint Protection for FREE too!
• To qualify for free hardware, organizations must purchase a Sophos UTM FullGuard license with minimum 3 year term
• New business opportunities will also get a free one-year license for Sophos UTM Endpoint Protection.
To take advantage of this promotion, contact our team at Connector Systems, sophos@connectorsystems.co.nz or call 0508 225 527.
Terms & Conditions Apply.