Brent Colbert leaves Microsoft amid restructure
Microsoft has made long-time employee Brent Colbert redundant as part of a company reshuffle which sees over eight years of service come to an end. It's understood that multiple roles where being combined and Colbert choose not to reapply.
Responsible for delivering on partner strategy and management of Microsoft's total partner ecosystem including helping our partners move their businesses to the cloud, Colbert leaves his role as director of Partner Strategy after joining Microsoft in 2004.
Colbert joined the company from Telecom, firstly appointed Business Planning manager before his role as marketing chief led him to director of Business, Marketing and Operations.
In 2009 he moved internally to take up the Channel role as Partner Group director which controversially pushed Nick Fletcher aside, before accepting his current position in 2010.
In April this year departing Sales and Marketing vice-president Kevin Ackhurst said of Colbert:
"Brent provides the space for creative marketing professionals to do great work.
"He protects them from the concerns of operational day to day activities and gives them scope to explore the boundaries typically imposed by large corporations.
"This results in uniqueness and innovation frequently coupled with awards and always within budget.
"Brent hires well and supports the team strongly. "This creates an environment of close committed collaboration with strong team dynamics where people have fun.
Colbert will officially leave his role on Friday August 31.