ComOps looking to sign NZ resellers
Business management software provider ComOps is looking to sign resellers in New Zealand as it launches a new channel partner programme.
Daniel Sheahan, general manager – sales solutions for ComOps, says the company is looking to appoint one or two resellers for each of its three pillars, Enterprise, Sales and Workforce.
The search comes as ComOps implements its new channel partner programme, after five months of intensive development.
"We used to operate very much on an ad hoc basis,” Sheahan says.
"We never had a real structured approach.”
Sheahan, who is due to take over as ComOps CEO following the retirement of Richard Bradley, says he has investigated partner programmes from different providers around the world, and employed the best aspects of each in the ComOps system.
Resellers will be able to choose from four areas of expertise – sales force automation, business intelligence, workforce optimisation and OHS & risk management.
Once they have selected from these, it will also be up to the reseller to choose to what extent they wish to partner in each area, from the most basic ‘blue’ commitment up to ‘silver’ and ‘gold’.
The level of commitment will determine the level of support from ComOps, Sheahan says, with training schemes, resources and rewards all on offer.
Sheahan says he will continue to visit New Zealand every month to six weeks once he takes the CEO role.