DON'T MISS: Sektor Roadshow 2010
Displaying a number of New Zealand releases from HP and Panasonic, Sektor is gearing up for its 2010 Roadshow.
With a main purpose of educating partners about industry trends relating to retail, EFTPOS, mobility, security and digital signage, the roadshow is being held in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch. Including three presentation streams: retail and security, mobility and AIDC and EFTPOS, the roadshow will feature a number of New Zealand releases. HP will showcase its all-in-one touch terminal and Panasonic will show its range of security cameras, touch terminals, digital signage and ToughBooks.
The Christchurch event will be held April 13th, followed by Wellington on April 14th and Auckland on April 15th. For more information or to register, email roadshow@sektor.co.nz.