Extreme Networks lures Owens from Oracle
Extreme Networks has appointed James Owens, formerly Sales Director Asia-Pacific for Oracle Corporation, as Regional Director Australia and New Zealand.
His objectives include the rapid expansion of business in New Zealand through providing channels partners with leads, marketing backup and technical support.
Owens says: “The networking community likes the direction in which Extreme Networks is evolving its Ethernet switch technology, which is already delivering tomorrow’s networks today. We are taking networks from the physical, to virtual to cloud.
“This helped to lure me from Oracle, as did the company’s value proposition around ‘aware’ networks, where I see a substantial upside for Extreme Networks. Flexibility of action was another attraction, as freedom from the constraints of a large corporation allows me to be flexible with our messaging to the marketplace.”
Before joining Oracle in 2007, Owens was Director – Sales Consultant for Cincom Systems. His experience in information technology sales spans 20 years.
Extreme Networks, Inc
Extreme Networks provides converged Ethernet network infrastructures that support data, voice and video for enterprises and service providers. The company's network solutions feature high performance, high availability and scalable switching solutions that enable organisations to address real-world communications challenges and opportunities. Operating in more than 50 countries, Extreme Networks provides wired and wireless secure LANs, data center infrastructure and service provider Ethernet transport solutions that are complemented by global, 24x7 service and support. For more information, visit: http://www.extremenetworks.com
Extreme Networks’ distributors in New Zealand are Distribution Central and Ericsson NZ. In Australia the distributor is Distribution Central (NetWorld Systems business group).
For more information
James Owens
Regional Director
Australia and New Zealand
Extreme Networks
Phone: +61-2-8912 2405
Mobile: +61-430 166 691
Email: jowens@extremenetworks.com
David Frost
PR Deadlines Pty Ltd
Phone: +61-2-4341 50221
+61 (0) 408 408 210
Email: davidf@prdeadlines.com.au