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Forget Microsoft, we’re selling the Surface 2 early…

Mon, 21st Oct 2013
FYI, this story is more than a year old

Forget Kiwis being first in line for Microsoft's new Surface 2 tablet tomorrow - one British retailer is selling the device early...

Set to launch on October 22, first in New Zealand, it has been revealed UK retailer Argos has already listed the product and sold units, despite the embargo issued by Redmond.

Investigating the news further, The Verge reports that one customer has already purchased a 32GB Surface 2 on Friday from his local store, forcing the retailer into an embarrassing withdrawal of the products.

"We fully comply with embargos issued by our suppliers and have withdrawn the Microsoft Surface 2 from sale with immediate effect," the company said.

"We are working with Microsoft to investigate this error as a matter of urgency."

So, despite a few naughty Brits getting their hands on the product early, Kiwis will head the queue to check out Microsoft’s new Surface range tomorrow - which includes the Surface 2 and Surface Pro 2.

Ironically, the tech giant reported two weeks ago that pre-order stock was close to selling out, suggesting encouraging signs for Microsoft's second release of the Surface tablet range.

“It looks like pre-order stock of the Surface 2 (64GB) and Surface Pro 2 (256 GB and 512GB) are close to selling out,” Microsoft said earlier this month.

“We’re pretty happy about this of course given we just unveiled Surface 2, Surface Pro 2 and the new accessories to the world only a week or so ago.”

TechDay will be taking a review units home on the day of the launch – so stay tuned for our expert opinions on the products.

Will you be in line for the new Microsoft Surface range?

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