Fortinet 'secret' aces NSS Labs endpoint security test
Fortinet has received a recommendation – and an increased rating – in the latest NSS Lab's enterprise endpoint protection comparative report.
The NSS Labs test saw Fortinet's FortiClient endpoint protection provide a 99.8% block rate 'from the very first minute'. The 99.8% block rate was the highest exploirt block rate seen in the test – with the lowest being 11%. Only two vendors received a recommended rating.
Mike Spanbauer, NSS Labs vice president of research, says the 99.8% success rate is 'highly significant'.
"Multiple changes in the internet threat landscape coupled with changes in how people work remotely are heightening the importance of endpoint protection being a critical line of defence," Spanbauer says.
"It is imperative for enterprises to deploy security products that protect sensitive data whether they are moving across the perimeter or internally within the data centre – and host-based products have never been more important in achieving this goal," Spanbauer says.
Jon McGettigan, Fortinet Australia, New Zealand and South Pacific Islands senior director, says FortiClient 'is probably one of the best unknown secrets within Fortinet'.
"End point security often ties into network security and is considered the last layer of defence in the network," McGettigan says.
He says key functions of FortiClient include enforcing app control and web filtering profile on managed endpoints and two factor VPN integration.