Ingram Micro Showcase to highlight the future of technology
Ingram Micro, New Zealand's largest distributor of technology products, says that Showcase 2018, its premier event series being held this May in Christchurch, Wellington and Auckland, is the biggest and best yet, with over 75 exhibitors.
Ingram Micro New Zealand executive managing director Gary Bigwood says that Showcase 2018 is about more than just the latest hardware and software.
"The theme for Showcase 2018 is Leading the Way – demonstrating what's new, what's next and how it can be used to improve business and everyday life. But Showcase 2018 will deliver more than just a quick look at the latest hardware and software – for those attending it will connect the dots through education, demonstration and proactive thought leadership," says Bigwood.
He adds that while change has always been a constant in the IT industry, the company is seeing a trend of businesses placing greater emphasis on combining commoditised products with value-added services - this trend means channel partners will have to become even more consultative in their approach if they are to survive.
"Businesses have always, to a greater or lesser extent, looked to their technology providers for leadership and guidance when selecting and implementing solutions," Bigwood says.
"What we are seeing more of now though is a distinct trend for businesses to combine commoditised products and services with greater consultation and advice from specialist partners where needed.
"Services such as the Ingram Micro Cloud Marketplace which now has IDSync (automated billing integrated to a reseller's own system), makes it easier than ever for resellers to order, configure and deliver fully automated software keys to their clients within minutes, and then automate the monthly billing without the need for hours of manual work each month. However, that's very much business as usual – the real value and opportunities are in providing insight and guidance that helps businesses use their technology investments for market advantage.
Showcase 2018, says Bigwood, will be the ideal opportunity for reseller principals and their staff to get up to speed on the latest that vendors have to offer, so they are then well positioned to offer insight and guidance to their end-user customers.
"Over recent years we have strongly encouraged our resellers to bring their end-user customers to Showcase, and end users now make up over 30% of the audience. It is exciting to see the discussions that can develop at Showcase and the ideas which get pollinated and produce a valuable business pipeline for our reseller partners. It is also a unique value-add that the resellers can invite their most important customers along to an industry event of this size without international travel. I would challenge all reseller managers to ask their sales team how they are going to best leverage the opportunity.
"Ingram Micro Showcase has always been the ultimate platform to display and demonstrate the latest our industry has to offer. But Showcase is also the event that delivers outstanding opportunities for resellers to update their knowledge and connect with thousands of other IT professionals, all of whom live and breathe technology on a daily basis," says Bigwood
Bigwood says the Showcase theme of Leading the Way was instrumental in selecting keynote speakers for the events.
"Our keynote speakers for 2018 are Mandy Simpson, director of the Punakaiki Fund, Tony Alexander, Chief Economist at the Bank of New Zealand, Gareth O'Connor, Strategy Director at PHD Media, and Louise Francis, Research Director for Digital Strategies and Insights at IDC New Zealand. The common thread is that they are all thought leaders who can offer insights into technology trends and the likely impact on how we will do business in the future.
"Our keynote speakers will cover everything from cryptocurrencies and blockchain, through to economic trends and the likely future challenges for New Zealand businesses. This is literally a goldmine of experience, insight and future trends for resellers to use in guiding both their own organisations and their customers, through the technology and business challenges that the future holds," says Bigwood.