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Introducing Ultimate Guides, TechDay's new editorial features

Fri, 23rd Sep 2022
FYI, this story is more than a year old

We've changed our editorial features to provide a more in-depth look at the awesome content we cover.

TechDay's new Ultimate Guides contain everything a reader needs to know about a particular topic and run on all of our sites to cater to each of our unique audiences.

Having your brand featured in one or more of our Ultimate Guides is a fantastic way for your organisation to position yourselves as leaders or game-changers within the field, associate your product or offerings with a trend, or make a statement about your company.

Our 168 Ultimate Guides fit into nine categories, including Enterprise, Finance, Security, Channel, Business, Consumer, Telecommunications, Education and Data Centre. You can see the list of Ultimate guides here.

Each Ultimate Guide goes live on Google, as well as TechDay's homepages, social media and our email newsletters. They also get significant traffic and an ongoing long tail of interest.

"Our new Ultimate Guides are grand central stations for every type of content TechDay has on the particular topic. From analyst comments to expert columns, news, videos and interviews.

You can see an example Ultimate guide here.

Ways to get involved:

Press releases - If you have an important announcement, please email relevant press releases to We have time to cover 10-15% of the releases we receive.

Bylines - We are also accepting bylines, thought leadership columns and prewritten expert opinions. The cost to participate is one editorial unit or $1,050.

Interviews - We have time for what we call 'Quickfire interviews'. The cost to participate is one editorial unit or $1,050.

Video interviews - We call our video interviews '10 minute IT Jams'. The cost to participate is one editorial unit or $1,050.

Bespoke stories - A custom-written story that achieves your exact marketing objectives with embedded videos and call-to-action links. The cost to participate is three editorial units or $3,150.

To find out how being part of an Ultimate Guide can drive your market presence, contact your digital account manager or contact us here.