JBoss fuses Fronde win
Fronde has claimed top ANZ honours at Red Hat's APAC partner conference, winning Red Hat's ANZ Top Partner Channel Award.
The award was given to Fronde across the ANZ region, for a Red Hat JBoss Fuse integration solution deployed on top of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. The award recognises the company's 'success and motivation in driving channel sales of open source solutions in the ANZ market'.
Paul Armstrong, Fronde chief information officer, says creating a formal collaboration with Red Hat was 'natural and easy, given Fronde's existing skills and experiences and how readily they transferred into the Red Hat product space'.
"The award is extremely gratifying. It recognises and rewards Fronde's own strategy, which includes a focus on enterprise system integration and the move into cloud and hybrid cloud solutions. Also, knowing that this is Red Hat's strategy, we anticipate a lot more shared success.
Colin Garro, director of channel sales and development, ANZ region, at Red Hat, says partners play a critical role in Red Hat's business.
"The annual Red Hat APAC Partner Conference is a great platform for us to get together, make plans, share successes and discuss best practices with our partners from across the region.
"FY14 was an exciting year for us and we are happy to have the opportunity to recognise Fronde's efforts and achievements as top channel partner for ANZ at the conference. Congratulations to Fronde again."
Adds Derek Wilson, Red Hat New Zealand country manager: "With Fronde's support, we have reached out to an even wider audience across key verticals such as telco and energy.
"We look forward to greater collaboration this year and beyond.