More details emerge of NZ developed confidential eMail solution…
Rumours of a new confidential eMail solution, set to market globally from New Zealand, gathered pace this week, with more details emerging of the offering.
As reported exclusively by TechDay in December 2013, TCx, as it is currently referred to, is a completely new “email” solution for organisations or groups requiring absolute privacy in written conversations between trusted parties.
Yet six weeks is a long time in New Zealand’s technology industry, so much so that the wheels are firmly in motion to release the solution this quarter.
Produced by a New Zealand software firm, based in Auckland’s Ponsonby suburb, TechDay’s trusted source offered the following updates on the intriguing solution.
“Once an email is sent, the sender has absolute visibility of the message’s delivery status,” the source says. “We have created a solution which guarantees the message cannot be intercepted in transit.
“As soon as the recipient logs in they receive their messages and the sender can immediately see that the message has been delivered, which is a functionality standard email systems don’t do accurately or reliably.”
As already reported, the solution, which can run on Windows, Apple or Linux Operating Systems, is based on a closed-loop functionality, offering fully private, point-to-point communications which can only happen between authorised system users.
Confidentiality, and flexibility
In what will be seen as a huge drawcard to teams desperate for watertight privacy between trusted parties, the software allows only the system administrator to add or remove users. Users themselves can’t accidently, or deliberately, invite or email non-known or trusted parties to the closed loop system.
Licenced by user numbers multiplied by a period of time, the offering will be available in two commercial models, self-hosted and SaaS providing options for both permanent and short-term teams. “Organisations and teams can choose how many users they want to include in their licence, and for how long a period,” says TechDay’s source.
“All a user needs to do is download the software on their machine, obtain credentials via the Group's administrator and away they can go.”
‘Say goodbye to Click, Send and Pray’ is the marketing line tagged onto the solution, a solution the market still knows little about, but could be soon very interested in.
A solution which could revolutionise how confidential information is communicated within trusted groups, check back to TechDay.com next week for more information…