Projecting success
Projectors are a great sale to make, so long as you do it right, so resellers should try to avoid the common pitfalls when securing projector sales. Price is a major consideration for any organisation, especially in the current climate where budgets are tight. However, selling the least expensive projector for the sake of sales invariably results in the client not receiving the right solution and shows a lack of commitment to understanding their requirements.You need to ascertain what the client wants from their projector: what exactly it will be used for and the conditions it will be operated in, including screen size and room lighting levels. To do this, an on-site visit to scope the room and provide recommendations on the most appropriate model is usually best, as this will help you to successfully match the projector's capabilities to your client's needs. You should also discuss the client’s plans for further development and offer solutions that will future-proof their investment.When it comes to projector standards, XGA (or SVGA) is the standard; however, if the client wants to view graphics that require higher resolution for clarity or possibly add HD videoconferencing, then an XGA projector will not cut it. You will also need to recommend a projector that has the correct inputs to enable your client to connect to the latest equipment as it comes onto the market.All too often AV solutions are considered once the painter has put the fi nal coat on the wall. Had the client sought consultation earlier, or a proactive reseller made contact sooner, an AV solution could have been planned early on in the construction process. It is far more effi cient and aesthetically more pleasing to install projectors at the same time as cabling is going in. The wall mounts will not look like an afterthought and you canensure power points are in the optimum place so you don’t end up with unsightly cables snaking across the carpet.Ideally this type of consultation should be offered as a free service by resellers. Clients certainly appreciate the advice, as they may not have considered the requirements for AV installation prior to your bringing up the subject, and it will save them the hassle and potential cost of moving walls and ceilings at a later date.While it is true that the education sector is a major buyer of projectors for classrooms and lecture theatres, a signifi cant amount of corporate companies use projectors in boardrooms and meeting rooms, and there are numerous other sectors that provide potential for sales. The hospitality industry is a prime example, as most bars and clubs have projectors for showing sport and creative visual effects. When you look around you soon notice that the majority of industries require a projector somewhere in their business. That being said, it is important to note that the market is no longer solely the domain of projectors. LCD and plasma screens (even though they are TVs) compete in this space and clients are very aware of the options. To determine the best product for the task a number of factors need to be looked at carefully including clarity of image (this is paramount), along with the size of images and distances they will be viewed from.Digital signage is an area that is still an emerging and challenging market for projectors. A standard XGA projector with a 1024 x 768 resolution will not providethe image quality of a standard LCD or plasma TV. However, TVs are limited by their size with regards the scale of image they can produce, unless they are banked together. The latest projector technology provides some exciting options in terms of image clarity and size.Once you have made the projector sale there are ongoing annuities to be had and, when it comes to service, many companies drop the ball. Projectors, like any technology, require regular maintenance. Changing fi lters and realigning the projector to combat the effects of vibration or building expansion and contraction is a chargeable item that most resellers forget about. Filters for LCD or LCOS projectors are needed every 1-3 months depending on usage and environment.This is something most clients don’t have the ability or the time to do. Be proactive when it comes to after-sales service, as it results in further revenue and repeat business. Projector sales are there for the making, so visualise your success and sell!