RedShield welcomes new CEO Fabian Partigliani as Andy Prow moves to board role
New Zealand-based cybersecurity firm RedShield has announced the appointment of Fabian Partigliani as its new CEO, following the impending departure of CEO and cofounder Andy Prow.
Partigliani, who will commence his position as CEO from 1 July, has extensive leadership and management experience in scaling high-growth businesses.
Says Partigliani, "Security has emerged as a top risk priority for boards and CEOs across all sectors and industries. In such a busy and noisy marketplace globally, customers deserve and expect solutions that deliver outcomes and measurable results, which is at the heart of the RedShield proposition. I'm very excited about capitalizing on the global opportunities ahead for RedShield.
Prow will be moving to a board position within the company and he will continue to play a role in RedShield's global strategies.
RedShield executive chairman Mike Riley says Andy Pro was done great work in leading the company to the present point.
"We have witnessed a decade of digital transformation in the last year, and a greater than ever reliance on the Internet to do business, educate our children, govern our countries, manage our health and live our digital lives. Web application security is critical not only to the businesses and organizations that we work with directly, but extends to every person that uses them every day," says Riley.
Andy Prow also notes that the company now has a global presence, with customers and staff in New Zealand, Australia, the United Kingdom, and Europe - as well as a customer base that relies on RedShield for protection.
"RedShield is at an inflection point of acceleration in our growth... Fabian's global experience and proven leadership abilities are exactly what RedShield needs in order to take the company to the next level, and we are excited to have him join the team," concludes Prow.
Just last year, the company appointed US thought leader and vArmour senior VP Kate Kuehn as a board director, as well as new chief revenue officer James Carrigan Jr.
Kuehn said at the time of her appointment that, ""I have long been an admirer of RedShield, and am honoured to be joining the board. The necessity for dynamic, relationship-focused security has never been greater. As digital transformation rapidly becomes a reality for many organisations, the need for greater application resiliency has taken centre stage and RedShield is a unique leader to shield our new connected world.
The two appointments followed a US$10 million Series B funding round in September 2019.