Put your security in the cloud: MSSP a huge revenue opportunity in NZ
Your clients are not spending enough on cybersecurity. And what they are spending isn't addressing the most costly threat, that of data leakage. This and other startling conclusions are outlined in PricewaterhouseCooper's latest research, 'Global State of Information Security Survey 2017'. For New Zealand security resellers, these conclusions represent both an indictment and huge opportunity.
"The security market in New Zealand is wide open," says Andrew Khan, Fortinet Senior Business Manager at Ingram Micro, New Zealand's largest distributor of Fortinet's cyber security solutions, "and Fortinet channel Partners are perhaps the best placed to take advantage. With Fortinet's core-to-the-edge security solution set, all optimised for cloud-based managed security services provision (MSSP), you can offer exactly what your clients need – at a price they can afford - to stay safe in an unsafe world.
But it's up to you to advise your clients what they should be doing. "The threat landscape is moving faster than the ability for Kiwi companies to keep pace," says Khan. "It's not really their fault…many companies simply don't have the resources to become experts in cyber security. Nor should they have to. So it's up to you, their trusted IT supplier and security reseller, to help them ensure that they have the necessary defences in place to protect their networks, applications, data and users. According to the PWC survey, there is plenty of room for improvement.
MSSP under-subscribed in NZLess than half of Kiwi companies surveyed (44%) subscribed to managed security services compared to 78% in Australia. "Most SMEs and larger organisations have installed the basics," notes Khan, "such as a firewall and anti-virus. Maybe this was good enough a few years ago. But now, with more and more companies adopting a digital business model, security at the gateway isn't good enough. More risk comes from internal and business partners than 'drive-by hackers' simply because that information is more valuable to insiders. So what you should be selling are more advanced security solutions such as identity management (FortiAuthenticator), advanced threat detection (FortiSandbox) and analysis (FortiAnalyzer and FortiSIEM).
But these comprehensive solutions are not inexpensive options. "That's why Fortinet has optimised all of these products to be offered as cloud-based managed security services," explains Khan. "The cost for you to set yourself up as an MSSP isn't that expensive compared the steady revenue streams that you can build. Plus Ingram Micro can help Fortinet Partners with a successful track record selling Fortinet solutions with financial incentives. And your clients will be able to significantly reduce their risk without any capital outlays at all.
All of the pieces are in place for you to make yourself invaluable to your customers. "Fortinet's technology – collectively known as the security fabric - addresses today's threats, full stop," says Khan. "An integral part of the security fabric is internal segmentation which allows you to run multiple instances of any Fortinet solution, such as FortiAutheticator or FortiAnalyzer in a multi-tenant deployment. And you don't have to 'sell' the concept of cloud computing. It is an acceptable business practice.
With only 44% of Kiwi businesses taking advantage of MSSP offerings and a compelling need for them to up their game, the time is ripe for Fortinet resellers to tap into a profitable MSSP business model. "Don't wait for your clients to learn about today's threats the hard way," concludes Khan. "Be proactive. Offer them the advanced protection of Fortinet's security fabric as a managed security service. It's a win / win strategy for everyone. Call us today and we'll help you get started. It's an opportunity too good to miss.
For further information, please contact:Andrew Khan, Senior Business Manager Email: andrew.khan@ingrammicro.com M: 021 819 793
David Hills, Solutions Architect Email: david.hills@ingrammicro.com M: 021 245 0437
Hugo Hutchinson, Business Development Manager Email: hugo.hutchinson@ingrammicro.com P: 09 414 0261 | M: 021 245 8276