The new security architecture
The rules of business are changing at a breakneck speed. Companies are embracing business 2.0 – specifically the use of collaboration, technology and social networking to tackle business challenges. In fact, 49% of enterprises were expected to have implemented 2.0 by the end of 2009 . However, this change is bringing new security issues that have to be addressed. Protecting yourself While the business 2.0 model means that connectivity is easy, it also means that it is easier than ever to attract a virus or become the victim of a security attack. Threats will only continue to proliferate as traffic levels and the number of devices connected to the network increase. Some of the biggest 2.0-related security concerns stem from the pervasiveness of applications, the ‘user generation’ culture, the download phenomenon and content validation. Deploying a costly, overly-complex network security solution does not always result in comprehensive protection for an organisation. As threats evolve daily, the static approach offered by most security solutions is not enough. In fact, the traditional fortress approach of a walled network perimeter is actually an inhibitor to today’s business 2.0 environment. Instead, to enable businesses to develop freely yet securely, organisations need to deploy a dynamic perimeter model where there is no distinction between internal and external users. Enterprise-level security and connectivity need to be able to simultaneously change, reacting to the business’ needs and therefore the individual employee’s access rights – in an instant. With the inexorable rise of anywhere, anytime working, traditional network boundaries have evolved to create an inverted network where the perimeter itself has dissolved. Employees expect instant access to the corporate network. As a result companies need to find a way to offer immediate, secure network access to them. SSL VPN technology can provide that connection. It intelligently allows access based upon who and where the user wanting to connect is. The clean VPN principle can offer the higher levels of security that business 2.0 requires. With threats at not only the connection layer but also the application and data transmission, it is important to have protection that inspects in real time a company’s application and data being sent in and outside an organisation. When appropriately managed and measured, the application-woven model can securely deliver improved productivity and time and cost savings to a business. In fact, with employees and partners able to access key applications all the time, it can change the way a company does business.