Trend Micro drives MSP Program growth - invites partners along for the ride...
If the age old adage of knowledge is power rings true, for Trend Micro's New Zealand partners, knowledge now means profitability.
Four months into 2014, with New Year resolutions fallen by the way side, the leading internet security provider continues to buck the industry trend, maintaining its exciting start to the year at a jam-packed Partner Forum in Auckland last week.
With market opportunity on the rise for Trend Micro's trusted allies, the tech giant unveiled its new Managed Service Providers Program, designed to reinvigorate the company's offering to the channel community, illustrate the support they provide and highlight the opportunities it can bring.
Spearheaded by Ryan Delany, Global MSP Solutions Manager, Trend Micro, Kiwi partners heard how the Managed Service Providers Program can offer partners the opportunity to capitalise on the company's leading security solutions, boosting their profitable growth while gaining competitive advantage in the security market.
"For resellers in transition or already using a managed service provider (MSP), Trend Micro's MSP program provides the perfect fit to their business model," says Delany, an industry figure possessing over 15 years of experience planning, designing and implementing security products in a variety of enterprises.
"In an MSP world efficiency and productivity are incredibly important, which is why our program helps facilitate growth and profit for our partners."
Acknowledging that Trend Micro's success is dependent on the success of its partners, Delany set about addressing any issues of concern among partners in the room.
The crux of it?
Trend Micro understands your business model. Trend Micro provides you with the tools to help better run your business. Trend Micro helps you grow profits and increase the value of your company.
A security stalwart since 2002, Delany's words alone carry greater credibility than most in the industry, but sticking true to his American roots, he let the facts do the talking…
A market share leader in the worldwide SMB content security market, Trend Micro boats 25+ years of continuous product innovation, 5,000 employees, including 1,200 security experts and support engineers, with offices in 38 countries.
Hardly Mickey Mouse stuff, right?
Known for being '100% channel friendly', Delany reminded attendees that Trend Micro doesn't sell direct, so are never in competition with its partners.
But hey, if size impresses you, let's not forget Trend Micro is the world's largest independent security vendors, a vendor which maintains a strict but healthy focus on internet content security and threat management.
In a crowded market where everybody and anybody has a story to sell and a pitch to make, Trend Micro doesn't have to shout and scream from the rooftops to be heard - for they are leading the way, and merely inviting their partners along for the ride.
For more information regarding Trend Micro's MSP program click here