Wacom embraces change
Wacom, the world leader in pen tablet technology, recently announced the appointment of Scholastic as the newest distributor of the Wacom range of pen tablets in New Zealand. Scholastic currently has distribution agreements with Adobe, Corel and Microsoft, and Wacom sees its pen tablets as being wholly complimentary.“We are very excited to finalise the agreement and work toward providing a better logistics solution for the New Zealand sector,” said David Spencer, Regional Managing Director for Wacom. “The new arrangement will allow us to service educators throughout New Zealand much more efficiently, and help us reach many more classroom environments.”Wacom has shown strong support for education in New Zealand. The multinational company plans to ensure that every major education reseller receives a personal visit from Wacom staff and trainers before the Christmas rush, ensuring that they are able to demonstrate the products effectively.Following the announcement of the new distribution agreement with Scholastic, Wacom announced the launch of an entirely new brand, as they refresh company operations across all levels. Wolf Olins – the brand agency behind the London 2012 Olypics Logo – has come up with a new logo that defines the company motto of “Open Up – Sense More”. Consumers can expect to see the new logo on all new products, and at a range of exhibitions and events, in the coming months.