Wavelink says channel ‘critical’ in facilitating security for organisations
In light of the recent spate of attacks (and the ones before that, and the ones before that), cybersecurity is undoubtedly one of the main concerns facing modern organisations today.
Interestingly, Wavelink asserts the channel plays an important role in helping organisations navigate this journey, as channel partners can help raise awareness and assist customers in planning to comply with new mandatory data breach reporting requirements.
"Organisations are constantly looking to technology to support business outcomes and drive business growth," says Hugo Hutchinson, Wavelink's national business development manager for Fortinet.
"To do this, they require partners that can support, manage and accelerate this. Security is an important part of this.
According to Wavelink, in order to be successful the channel needs to open the door to security conversations with all levels of business leadership from CEO to managing directors and CIOs.
Hutchinson says this requires a terminology change that is less about technology and more about mitigating risks and supporting organisational goals.
"To do this the channel needs to be up to speed with the current security and threat environment, and have regular training," Hutchinson says.
"All of this will help the channel communicate to organisations the importance of security investment in such a way that organisations will be receptive and willing to prioritise it.
And, Hutchinson asserts, this is where vendor and distributor relationships are so important. As an extension of the vendor, distributors play a critical part in relaying information to resellers so they stay up to date, are aware of product, service and market changes, and receive relevant training.
"For Wavelink, taking a multi-pronged approach to helping channel partners ensures that it is helping them assist customers in reaching their security goals," Hutchinson says.
"Through investment in in-house expertise to facilitate reseller growth, information sharing, workshops, webinars and promotions, Wavelink is proactive in ensuring its resellers are trained and upskilled in security to drive conversations with customers based on their understanding of organisational challenges and requirements in today's complex security environment.