Brocade dumps Renaissance
The long-standing relationship between Renaissance and Brocade is over, according to sources familiar with the matter.
Renaissance has distributed Brocade SAN products for a number of years, and in October 2009 was also appointed as a distributor for the company's IP Networking products.
However, The Channel understands from a number of contacts, including one inside Renaissance, that the company received a letter of termination last week.
When contacted, Graham MacDonald, Auckland-based regional sales manager of Brocade, stuck with the company line that 'as of today there is no change to Brocade's distribution arrangements'.
It seems clear that the change of distribution won't affect either Datastor, who distribute the company's SAN products, nor Connector Systems, who distribute the IP networking solutions.
Dave Rosenberg, managing director of Datastor, expressed his confidence in the Brocade brand, adding that they sell great products and that his team are focused on growing their own business with the vendor.
Renaissance wasn't available for comment, while Connector Systems and Brocade's Australian spokesperson declined to comment.