Cyclone Computers wins Govt Motion tablets contract
Cyclone Computers has won an open tender to become the supplier of Motion Computing tablets to government agencies via the All-of-Government (AoG) purchasing programme.
Effective immediately, the AoG procurement reform programme objectives include a centralised procurement process for selected categories in order to deliver savings to government agencies.
Motion tablets, which allow mobile users to access and input information in the field, have become a preferred device in such sectors as local councils, farming, commercial traders and first response services.
Key features of the devices include outdoor readable screens, hot swappable fast-charging batteries, integrated barcode scanner and RFID reader, ingress protection against moisture and dust and mobile broadband connectivity.
Brett Gross, ANZ Country Manager for Motion Computing congratulated Cyclone in its selection.
“As a Motion Valued Partner, Cyclone has access to the Motion Tablet PCs and accessories specifically designed to meet the demands of mobile professionals in both the public and private sectors," he said.
Cyclone, a local private company, has been a member of the AoG Supplier Panel since its inception three years ago, currently one of the multiple providers for AoG IT technology including the supply of tablets computers.