Fuji Xerox NZ appoints new managing director
Fuji Xerox New Zealand has announced Gavin Pollard has been appointed to the role of managing director for New Zealand, following the promotion of Neil Whittaker to role of managing director for Fuji Xerox Australia.
Pollard says he's looking forward to the challenge of leading Fuji Xerox New Zealand, with one of his first actions being moving the company to Newmarket and opening a new warehouse at the airport.
From there he says he will embed several new services offered by Fuji Xerox such as the company's Marketing Resource Management programme, which provides a fully integrated print management, print production, digital, DAM and logistics service.
Pollard says optimising document and data processes and a Document Management Solutions approach are all new innovations he intends to drive home to enhance customer experience.
Pollard has been with Fuji Xerox for the past 13 years, and previously held the role as general manager of nation sales operations since 2012. In a statement released today, the company said Pollard has been groomed for the new role.
Whittaker says Pollard is the best choice for the role.
"Gavin has a wealth of experience and I've been working with him for over three years, preparing him to take over from me," he says. "The opportunity for both us to take on new roles is a great opportunity and I'm sure Gavin will look to stamp his mark on the role.
On his departure to Australia, Whittaker says after 11 years as MD of the New Zealand business the opportunity to lead the largest Fuji Xerox company in the region was too great a challenge to turn down.
"The great team spirit we have and the success we have collectively enjoyed is something the rest of the organisation really admires and want to see expanded into other operating companies around the region," he says.