IT and telecommunications' 'attractiveness' surges
It's official: New Zealand's IT and telecommunications sector is now sexy!
Ok, maybe sexy wasn't the word used, but new Randstad Award employer branding research shows that the 'attractiveness' of the sector has surged to 31.33% - up from 28.19% last year.
That figure makes the IT and telecommunications sector the third most attractive sector in New Zealand, behind education and training services and professional services.
The sector was the most attractive sector for men and those aged 25 to 44 years. North Islanders were also more interested in IT and telecommunications than their South Island counterparts.
The research drew on perceptions of 7975 Kiwis of working age and also reveals the IT and telecommunications sector has 'reasonably high' name awareness, with 67% of employees recognizing one or more companies operating in the industry.
Brian Keegan, Randstand New Zealand country manager, says the challenge is for the industry, constantly facing staff shortages, to take advantage of the fact that potential employees want to enter the industry.
"We know that the IT and telecommunications sector is strong and expects growth in 2015, especially following central Government's announced intention to move a number of functions for businesses and households online," Keegan says.
"The IT and telecommunications sector is in the midst of a boom and there is huge demand for staff to fill the existing and future shortages.
"What this year's results also make clear is that the industry is in a good position to recruit talent with potential employees indicating they are attracted to the sector and recognise companies within the sector," he adds.
But he says IT and telecommunications firms now need to take advantage of the interest in the industry.
"In order to recruit and retain the top talent, firms who both specialise in IT or require an IT specialist, need to ensure that they have strong recruitment measures in place and take advantage of research such as the Randstad Award employer branding research, to understand what potential employees want from an employer.
When it comes to what employees want, the most important criteria continues to be salary and employee benefits (21%). That was followed by long term job security (12%), interesting job content (11%) and a pleasant working atmosphere and good work-life balance (both 10%)
Randstad says the IT and telecommunications sector scores highly for salary and employee benefits, career progression and good work-life balance.