Kaseya adds quick route to new MSP offerings with Powered Services
Kaseya has launched new custom-designed 'go to marketing in a box' offerings designed to help MSPs boost their profits and monthly recurring revenue.
The Powered Services initiative includes certification and sales enablement, including lead generation and sales training, to enable MSPs to start selling new managed services offerings more quickly.
First off the rank is Kaseya's AuthAnvil identity and access Security-as-a-Service and Traverse Network Monitoring-as-a-Service, with an offering around its cloud management-as-a-service Unigma offering – from Kaseya' May acquistion of Unigma – following in the Northern fall.
Jim Lippie, Kaseya general manager of cloud computing, says MSPs must continually look for an edge to differentiate their services and stay relevant, but selling a new service 'used to be hard' and required substantial upfront investment from the channel.
"The beauty of Kaseya Powered Services is that it allows MSPs to go to market with new services lines at record speed and generate immediate revenue gains," Lippie says.
"We provide everyting an MSP needs, incluing positioning, sales training, pricing, packaging and lead generation, so they can quickly and easily demonstrate their value and get in the door with new customers.
Lippie promises that the two offerings already luanhced 'are only the beginning'.
"We have big plans for this 'in-the-box' delivery system for many of our award winning products," he says.
The offerings are designed around the 'Times 20' philosophy – for every dollar a reseller spends, they should get a $20 return.
"Security and netowrk monitoring are especially criticla areas of need for SMBs and midmarket businesses, and through Powered Services MSPs can now deliver these emerging solutions with the expertise and agility to both address customer needs and accelerate the growth of their businesses," Kaseya says.
AuthAnvil's go-to-market in a box offering includes training on selling two-factor authentication and single sign-on as a service, along with white-labeled sales and marketing materials and educational webinars for prospective MSP clients to help drive demand.
Kaseya says the Traverse Network Monitoring-as-a-Service offering provides service providers with a valuable monitoring solution with deep network discovery and a business-centric view of network applications.