Make more money from managed services
Our resellers have told us: GFI MAX RemoteManagement just makes their lives easier. How? It unifies the way in which they can manage their varying customer requirements from a single dashboard, known as the 'single pane of glass' approach.
GFI brings together four key components to the operation of any business: infrastructure monitoring and management; endpoint security; disaster recovery with backup; and email filtering with additional archiving capabilities. By bringing the control of all these tasks to a single hosted dashboard, accessible from any device with internet connectivity, resellers are able to spend more time focusing on growing their essential business services, and less time on mundane day-to-day management of customer needs.
At the core of GFI MAX's RemoteManagement engine is a comprehensive alerting system. Once customers are added to the platform, a set of 'system health' checks are created. Each time these checks poll back to the central server, they look for a pass or fail based on previously established thresholds. For every failed check, an alert is sent (either via a customisable email or an SMS message) to the appropriate escalation teams to take action as they deem necessary. In addition to this basic monitoring functionality, GFI have recently formed an alliance with Netherlands-based online back-up specialists, IASO. This newly-formed partnership allows adopters of the MAX platform to upload customer data and system states into the cloud. The inbuilt backup manager provides granularity to a level where users can backup VMware instances, Exchange Information Stores, SQL Server instances, and network shares.
One of the most difficult processes to centrally manage for any reseller is endpoint security. Staying on top of signature definitions, varying scan schedules, customer quarantines and virus out-breaks can be a tiresome, cumbersome and time-consuming task. To address this issue, GFI have taken their proprietary AV engine (known for its high detection rates, quick scan times and low system overheads) and incorporated it directly into GFI MAX. This allows resellers to centrally manage all of their customers' endpoint security requirements straight from the dashboard, increasing visibility and efficiency, and reducing technical expenditure.
In addition to all these great features, GFI are also in the process of adding much of the core functionality from sister product GFI MAX MailProtection, providing filtering of in and outbound spam as well as optional cloud-based email archiving. As the system is entirely hosted, the workload of filtering emails for unwanted junk is all done in the cloud, reducing the strain on exchange servers. Also, there is a 'snap-on' ability to store emails in a hosted archive, so companies which need to meet legal archival regulations can be sure they are compliant.
By bringing all of these basic business requirements into a single management console, GFI MAX removes the need for resellers to up-skill in various platforms, and saves time spent switching between solutions to address different issues. Most importantly, the solution makes the path to upselling for customers a whole lot easier. As an example, imagine you are already monitoring a customer's network. Being able to also offer an online backup service, or the ability to safely and securely archive emails or even protect machines from viruses and malware, drives newer, more accessible and profitable means to your managed services catalogue.
Join our rapidly increasing contingent of resellers who have already adopted a better, easier and affordable way to make more money from managed services.