Records tumble at TechDay: Our biggest week ever
Each of the websites within the TechDay network have demanding weekly page impression targets. We're accustomed to achieving them, but in the last week of February, we absolutely annihilated them. In fact, we had our biggest traffic week ever.
"Last week was breathtaking, out of our network of twelve websites seven of them hit all-time records," says Sean Mitchell, TechDay publisher. "Also when I say records, I mean they smashed those records with some even doubling our previous bests."
While overall across the network we achieved 222% of our impression target, these sites lead the pack:
- ITBrief Australia: 295% of target
- ITBrief New Zealand: 284% of target
- DataCenterNews Asia: 254% of target
- bizEDGE New Zealand: 245% of target
- SecurityBrief Australia: 234% of target
"Our incredible week wasn't off the back of an automated feed of US content, but a record-breaking 190 stories that we produced locally within our own editorial team," says Mitchell. "I couldn't be prouder of how well our team has done."
This is in addition to sending out a total of 413,863 email newsletters across the network over the week, with a bounce rate of just 0.02%.
"We also achieved these massive reader impressions whilst maintaining an awesome 0.23% click-through rate on advertising, which is well ahead of the industry average of 0.15%," Mitchell adds. "Our reach is becoming unprecedented in the Asia Pacific region."
If you would like to know more, get in touch with TechDay's team of Digital Account Managers for an obligation free quote for editorial integration and/or advertising. Our team is well trained on how to get the best return on your marketing investment.
With 13 tech news websites in our TechDay network, we've got a perfectly targeted site for your next campaign. Call our Asian team on +65 3129 2765, our Australian team on 1300 092 195, our New Zealand team on +64 9 376 8121 or for more information email info@techday.com.