WAN enthusiasts
Anthony Farr, the recently appointed Regional Director, Oceania, for Packeteer has high hopes for the WAN application delivery leader in 2008. His confidence comes from Packeteer’s leading status in the network optimisation space.Farr explained Packeteer’s value by saying, “Let’s say you break your arm. The first thing you do is visit a doctor, right? Well, no doctor is going to set the break without first taking an x-ray. And no doctor would take an x-ray and then send you home without a fix. They would do both – take an x-ray and set the break. Packeteer spans both visibility and delivery. You just can’t do one without the other.”In order to solve your customers’ performance problems correctly, you have to understand them. “Poor application performance often occurs for reasons that are not the assumed problems,” said Farr. “A health check/audit must be completed and analysed. Start with gaining a thorough understanding of your customer’s problems, and then implement a strategy to solve those problems.” WAN optimisation is just one tool in the belt, according to Farr.Farr told The Channel that Packeteer is set to “go gangbusters” over the next 12 months. “Normally I’m hired to fix horribly broken things. It’s really exciting to be hired somewhere where things are really good. We’re ready to kick it up a gear.”Packeteer is looking for more resellers and SIs in New Zealand who are highly focused and understand particular niche markets. Dayle Barnes, BDM for Packeteer’s NZ distributor, Lan Systems (Westcon Group), can be contacted for more information on NZ-based opportunities on (09) 363 3316.