SonicWall recommits to Renaissance
Dean Redman Country Manager of SonicWall, has been in town planning out strategy with Renaissance for the coming quarters, but had nothing but positive things to say about Renaissance's contribution to its Australasian revenues.
There are 25 active partners in New Zealand, selling SonicWall products regularly, with 20 of them registered for the Medalion Partner Programme. The programme includes deal registration, tiered pricing and plenty of Renaissance and SonicWall support for the dealer to win business.
Business has experienced growth of over 40% throughout Australasia and the New Zealand revenues have been easy to predict for the security vendor. Redman says that local distributor Renaissance has delivered two quarters of excellent results. The success hasn't resulted from big new account wins, but more strong upgrades and good sales of its SMB product range.
The Channel reported in July that SonicWall's relationship with Renaissance was in need of some TLC. But when asked about the vendor's future distribution plans, Redman says he recommitted to Renaissance and is now working with the distributor's new team, which he recently meet for the first time.